Friday, July 18, 2008

MOUNAM - the Silent Mind

A Muni and Mounam.

Thoughts produced by incessant thinking are like the bees buzzing around the hive and taking off for acquiring honey for the Queen bee = our ego. When we ralise that this compulsive, icessant activity is a non-ending slavery to the ego without giving lasting happiness and that it is an obstacle to our progress in the spiritual path, we realise that the ego is the culprit like the ghost which does not exist. As Ramana Maharishi said in Upadesa Saaram, we find: ayi patathyaham nija vibhanakam. The ego falls, and the true self shines forth.

A successful muni = mounee is silent not only in speech, but also in the mind and thus deprives the ego of nourishment. J Krishnamurti advised that we first first learn to observe the interval that exists between two thoughts, become more and more aware of it and extend it to practise mounam.

Getting rid of this disease of ceaseless thoughts, that exists in all human beings, first needs acknowledgment that it is a disease, not an intellectual virtue. Unfortunately, the emphasis is on refining and bettering (worsening?) it as a skill and an asset to a intellectual person. This wrong attribute will persist until a revelation takes place as in the case of Yogis and one does not mind travelling on the rough, difficult spiritual path strewn with difficulties, with guidance from a competent Guru.

What can one do when being a slave to the ego is considered a blessing and one is content and happy with being a slave for ever and ever?

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