Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bridal virginity - a tyranny?

Pure Tyranny by Judith Warner in NY Times:

Righteous indignation is so easy, so pleasant, when you can sit back and fling it overseas. I had that edifying experience on the D.C. Metro Wednesday morning, reading in the Times about the Muslim women in France who are going to cosmetic surgeons for hymen replacement surgery so that they can bleed as seeming virgins on their wedding nights. . .
Read full article

Reader Comments:
"When something is so widespread from culture to culture, you have to ask why this is so. Unfortunately I’m thinking that in this case, unless we work very hard against it, biology is destiny. When women are sexually active they often become pregnant. Pregnancy and motherhood require much self sacrifice. Perhaps the value of virginity began as a concern for the futures of our daughters–a hope that they are not required to sacrifice too much too soon. . ." - Posted by Elizabeth Fuller
Just for clarification-

In Islam, someone (woman or man) can be:

(1) an actual virgin (someone who hasn’t engaged in sexual intercourse)
(2) an effective vrigin (someone not known to have engaged in sexual intercourse)
(3) a non-virgin (someone previously married such that they would have consummated their marriage, or someone openly known to have engaged in premarital sex).

Both (1) and (2) are considered “virgins” when it comes to the rulings of the Shariah, and can state that they are “virgins” without this being considered a lie or deceit. The reference for this is a *19th century* shariah manual: , Additionally, it considered highly inappropriate in Islam to question someone, or to answer questions, about past indiscretions. Unfortunately many Muslims follow non-Islamic cultural traditions which contradict religion. But this is not the fault of Islam. — Posted by Ilyas L.

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