Wednesday, December 31, 2008


A commentator had said that Kural is as potent as a mustard pierced at the centre in which the waters of the seven seas are put inside! He meant to say that it is so rich in meaning!

As Dr.G.U. Pope had said it is the Bard of the Universal Man.

Two gems extolling great friendship and great books:

நிறைநீர நிறைநீரவர் கேண்மை பிறைமதிப்பின் நீர பேதையர் நட்பு 782

Nirai neera neeravar kenmai Pirai mathippin neera pethaiyar natpu.
Meaning: The friendship of the worthy develops day by day like the waxing crescent moon But the foolish alliances deteriroate like the waning thereof! Rajaji has given a crisp commetary on this kural." The friendship of men of character is like the young moon which grows as the days pass, but frindship with fools diminishes with familirity like the moon after her full pass!"

நவில்தோரும் நூல் நயம் போலும் பயில்தோரும்
பண்புடையார் தொடர்பு 783
NavilthOrum nool nayam polum payilthorum
PaNbu udaiyar thodarbu

Meaning: As one sees greater beauty and delivers enhanced pleasures from the deeper study of a book, noble friendships gain in worth and grace day by day. Deeper learning of great books and intimate friendship with great persons are both ideal for a good life.


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