TRAGEDY can bring together the most argumentative of people. In
the wake of Sandy, the cyclone that savaged America’s North Atlantic coast,
rival religious figures found unwonted if unconscious agreement. The storm,
chimed Christian, Jewish and Muslim extremists in unison, was nothing less than
God’s punishment for American sins.
Needless to say, full agreement was lacking
about which particular sin was most to blame. John McTernan, a born-again
American blogger, pointed the finger at gay marriage, noting that the storm
struck just six days after the New York State court of appeals dismissed a
challenge to the state’s legalisation of gay marriage. Rabbi Noson Leiter, who
runs a group called Torah Jews for Decency, agreed, explaining on the radio
that God had targeted the southern end of Manhattan because it was “one of the
national centres of homosexuality.” He also claimed that the biblical flood in
the time of Noah was similarly caused by same-sex marriages.
Far away, among Muslim radicals in the Middle East, divine wrath
was perceived a bit differently. A Saudi blogger reports that the Friday sermon
at his local mosque took a more general approach, describing the heavenly anger
as simply intended to smite “the capital of the infidels.” Other sermons in the
kingdom suggested that the Americans’ failure to convert en masse to Islam was
a probable cause. But Wagdi Ghoneim, a perpetually angry Egyptian
tele-Salafist, tweeted to his followers a more specific reason. The storm, he
declared, was intended as payback for the recent release on YouTube of a
scandalous film produced in the United States that insulted the Prophet
A Reader’scomment:
more 'ignorant' the population … that is, lacking in secular education … the
more they 'buy' into the 'prophesies' of the religious obscurantists!
In Simon Winchester's book …
Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 188 he writes:
"In the case of Krakatoa,
the Muslim prelates of Java first made this connection. The eruption that had
killed so many and had ruined so much was clearly, they said, the work of Allah
- a divine who was, so the mullahs told their Javanese congregations of the
day, supremely irritated that so many of their number were passively allowing
themselves to be ruled by white infidel outsiders, the Dutch. To appease the
sorely tried Allah, the mullahs said, the Dutch had to be killed and their
influence expunged. Rise up, they advised.
And so
they did - in a piecemeal fashion at first, in an organised rebellion five
years later, and in a measured and defiant way in the decades that followed.
The Dutch were eventually forced to leave; Indonesia, born out of the Hollanders'
imperial fiefdom, remains today the world's most populous Islamic nation.
Krakatoa was not the cause of the birth of Indonesia, far from it; but it was a
sign, a trigger, and it remains a significant moment in Indonesian political
history for that very reason."